Stonehearth steam forums
Stonehearth steam forums

PvP: "PvP is simply not part of our vision for the game, its tone, and the experience you would get from playing with other people. Magma Smith Hearthling class: "We have investigated this, but whenever we think of something they would do, it seems to work better as part of the blacksmith or geomancer. Pirate, Ninja and Politician enemy classes: "After some discussion, we decided that this feature doesn’t really fit with the thematics of Stonehearth, so we have dropped plans to implement it."Īnimal Trainer Hearthling class: "A prototype exists, but we were never able to make it satisfying from a gameplay perspective.


We do know that it is possible to make a Wine wrapper that will enable the game to work on Linux, but if this solution does not work for you, and it is the only means by which you can play the game, please reach out to us through Kickstarter and we’ll see what we can do to make amends." (Note: Wine is essentially a software which translates Windows programs on the fly for Linux systems.) Linux port: "We have, however, chosen not to pursue the Linux port. Radiant explained the decision behind each cut feature in its post:

stonehearth steam forums stonehearth steam forums stonehearth steam forums

That being said, many features from Stonehearth's Kickstarter stretch goals have been cut from Stonehearth entirely.

Stonehearth steam forums